Oct 5, 2021
Stephanie Koonar is a marketing professional, academic, career coach, and workshop facilitator. Stephanie offers “Meaningful Career” private coaching and online courses supporting young people and those in mid-career transitions. Today she joins the show to discuss the importance of finding your reason for living—or ikigai—in order to live a more purpose-driven and fulfilled life.
Listen in as she shares her advice for building practical skills, as well as growing your network so you can broaden your knowledge. You will learn the benefit of learning about other cultures, why it is important to be open to different world views, and tips for any job-seekers looking to make their way into a long-term career.
“It’s really about applying your gifts and strengths to a career that’s meaningful to you.” - Stephanie Koonar
This Week on Young Money:
Key takeaways:
Connect with Stephanie Koonar:
Resources Mentioned:
Join us for the Financial Foundation to Entrepreneurial Peace Training – Learn the Keys to Financial Basics & Money Mastery With Money Coach Tracey Bissett
Starting Monday, October 11. Register at bizpeace.com!
This LIVE training has been specifically designed for future and existing entrepreneurs across all industries online and
offline who want to proactively change the way they are handling their money matters and navigate the current
environment with success. In this LIVE Training You Will Learn:
If you want to make informed, powerful money decisions, you do not want to miss this important LIVE training.
We kick things off on Oct. 11th so head over to bizpeace.com to get registered today.
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