Jun 29, 2021
We did it! Together we have created 200 episodes, are listened to in over 40 countries and have been downloaded over 165,000 times! I am so excited to know that you are enjoying the show, and I love the engagement we have received over the years. In this episode, I'm flipping the show for you—I will be interviewed by...
Jun 22, 2021
I recently spoke with the Canadian Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, a group of hard-working professionals supporting students across Canada at colleges and universities, about financial fitness in 2021, and today I'll be sharing with you the thoughts I spoke about with them. It was wonderful to hear...
Jun 15, 2021
For many of us, these last 16 months have been a challenge, both personally and professionally. With constant worry about the future in regards to our health, our finances, and the wellness of our loved ones, it’s hard to find the positives in this situation. However, during this time I have had the pleasure of...
Jun 8, 2021
With Bitcoin being the hot topic as of late, there are many questions circulating about what it is and how you can involve yourself with cryptocurrency. To help us dive into this topic and clear up any misconceptions around Bitcoin is the author of Magic Internet Money: A Book About Bitcoin, Jesse Berger. In this...
Jun 1, 2021
When we are more productive in our lives, we are able to have balance and get things done efficiently - all of which lead to increasing our earning potential. However, with so many distractions in this technology focused world we live in, it can be difficult to remain on task and stop procrastinating. So, in this...