Jul 30, 2019
Petra Hakansson is the managing director of Guardian Angel Security, a SheEO funded venture that supplies and monitors GPS panic button pendants that help protect lone workers in remote environments. Petra has worked in the GPS and security industries for more than a decade, developing lone worker solutions...
Jul 23, 2019
Wendy Brookhouse is the founder of Black Star Wealth, a company dedicated to providing comprehensive financial services to professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Wendy has developed unique, easy to implement solutions that remove the friction of anxiety and stress that stand in the way of her clients meeting...
Jul 9, 2019
Financial fitness can seem like a dream that you can never bring into reality. You might feel like you are not good with money or that since your family is not good with money, you are doomed to repeat this pattern. Maybe you have debt, haven’t established an emergency buffer, or are merely surviving from one month to...
Jul 2, 2019
Beau Humphreys, Personal Finance Coach, helps people get their personal finances on track. He is also the host of The Personal Finance Show, which shares personal finance stories. Since going through a consumer proposal 8 years ago, Beau has transformed his finances and is now a regular financial blogger and...