Aug 20, 2019
Jenny Brown is the co-founder and managing director at Envorinex, a plastics manufacturing company that creates products from hard-to-use plastics. Jenny is one of five women selected as a 2018/2019 SheEO funded venture in Australia in its inaugural year. Her career has been extremely varied, including roles in fencing, building, timber, and plastics. She has worked for companies such as Shell Australia and Mitsubishi. Jenny is a mother of three and is the president of the George Town Lions Club.
Jenny joins me today to share the story of Envorinex and how the company turns a profit by reusing the waste materials of other businesses. She highlights how crucial it is for business owners to gain an understanding of financial matters early on and then stay on top of those numbers. Jenny also shares why it isn’t all about money and the vital role that family provides in terms of support and inspiration.
“Many people have no idea what position their business is in, and I think this is a critical success factor.” - Jenny Brown
This Week on Young Money:
Key takeaways:
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Jenny Brown:
Can I AFFORD it?
This episode is sponsored by the masterclass Can I Afford It? How to be certain of what you can and can’t afford in your business in 5 minutes or less every time. This training has been specifically designed for entrepreneurs with sales in the 6 to 7 figure range to provide the 5 Steps to Cash Flow Clarity.
If you are an entrepreneur with sales at these levels and want to make powerful money decisions, you do not want to miss this important masterclass. Head over to to register now. Stop asking yourself the question can I AFFORD it?
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